Time: November 28, 2010 from 9am to 4pm
Location: UHM, Mänoa MultiMedia Lab, Sakamaki Hall C104
Website or Map: http://www.outreach.hawaii.ed…
Phone: 956-3422
Event Type: workshop:, fee, $135, call, 956-8400, to, register
Organized By: Susan, 956-3422, horowitz@hawaii.edu
Latest Activity: Nov 3, 2010
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Intermediate Dreamweaver is designed to take you to the next level of building web pages and sites with Adobe Dreamweaver. Learn how to create XML documents and then use exciting Web 2.0 features such as Ajax in your Dreamweaver pages. Find out how to extend the power of Dreamweaver with extensions and how to take control of your code with rapid coding and advanced find and replace techniques. Leverage your work and make site-wide page content and design changes easy and fast with Server Side Includes and advanced template methods. Also learn how to create and implement rich media, including Flash and Quicktime video, as well as use other powerful Dreamweaver CS5 features.
Prerequisites: Basic Dreamweaver experience, a basic understanding of the Mac environment, and a generally high comfort level with computers is required.
Colin Macdonald instituted the first multimedia courses at the UHM Department of Communication, where he taught multimedia design and development for over a decade. Previously, he directed creative services for the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. As an art director for A&M Records in Canada, he gained extensive knowledge of print media. He has conducted traditional media and multimedia training courses in Asia, Hawai‘i, and the U.S. mainland for over 15 years. He is a core faculty member of Pacific New Media.
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