Time: January 12, 2013 to January 13, 2013
Location: Topa Building - University of Phoenix
Website or Map: http://hi.gafesummit.com
Event Type: technology, conference
Organized By: Brendan Brennan
Latest Activity: Jan 2, 2013
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Hi Brendan, thanks for coming back to me. It does sound like there might be a similar event in London this Summer - hope to attend that. Will any of your event be video cast? Perhaps I can attend remotely? I am encouraging faculty and staff from HPU to attend ...
I can't seem to find out what's happening regarding the ADA issues - really important to clear that up moving forward ...
Thanks for the share Sam! A shame you won't be able to make it but these Summits are happening all over the world now (just had one in Singapore and Mumbai) and look to be continuing.
I have been working a little bit with Tom Ku and the group over at HPU and I know there is some interest in boosting support for Google Drive for students. Also, Blackboard is getting better about Google Docs integration so there is an open window there.
I haven't had too much exposure to the accessibility issues but I think Google is definitely taking the necessary steps to improve the product. As they grow in the edu market they will have to keep up with IDEA and ADA to make it easier for schools to transition to Apps while not discriminating against a growing population.
Would love to attend but I'm on the wrong continent :-/ I've forwarded the event to other HPU faculty, but there's not much take up of Google Apps for Education yet. Blackboard is the official online system. Also I'd be really interested on your (and everyone else's) take on the disability access issues associated with online LMSs.
Apparently a Blindness group took legal action regarding accessibility issues in google apps for education, but that was 18 months ago - not sure where it's got to. Google did respond with some improvements:
but I can't find out what the overall status is now ...
Any thoughts?
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