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CSCI 4702 Mobile Programming at HPU, Spring 2011

Event Details

CSCI 4702 Mobile Programming at HPU, Spring 2011

Time: January 25, 2011 at 6pm to May 16, 2011 at 7pm
Location: Online
Event Type: online, class
Organized By: Sam Joseph
Latest Activity: Apr 23, 2011

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Event Description

Want to get your applications running on iPad, iPhone or Google Android? Take CSCI 4702 Mobile Programming and get hands on experience developing for each, learning the pros and cons of the different development environments: XCode and Eclipse; as well as the underlying programming languages ObjectiveC and Java. No experience of C or Objective C assumed, we'll get you up and programming on the iPhone/iPad within the first couple of weeks. Some Java experience assumed, so you can kick Android apps immediately. Instructor will help students publish their final project apps in the Apple app store and Google Android Marketplace.  Computer Science students will collaborate on projects with designers from MULT 3910 Mobile Design.

You can take this course even if not an HPU student: Cost is $990 plus one off $220 registration fee for non HPU students.


Draft Syllabus

Comment Wall


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Comment by Sam Joseph on February 22, 2011 at 2:03am

@Dan, I'm totally happy for students to post material related to their projects here if they want :-)  The main reason to get them to the class mailing list is to increase the chance that other students see each others ideas.  I'm not sure that will happen with an event page here, although clearly it could if set up the right way.  I have run classes using Ning, but have switched to GoogleSites/Groups as the email integration is better, in that people can work exclusively in the email client of their choice, and reply directly to emails.  It's a great step foward that Ning now has content in their automated email, but they still don't allow posting through an email client based reply to those emails - you have to jump back into the web interface.  A small gripe perhaps, but I find it so useful to have that transparency.


Either which way I am encouraging all my students to get as involved in TechHui as they can :-)

Comment by Daniel Leuck on February 21, 2011 at 9:04pm
@Sam There is no reason it can't be posted both places. We are very happy to have them here ;-) Your AI, mobile and game classes sound great.
Comment by Sam Joseph on February 21, 2011 at 7:20pm
Hi Derek, I particularly like idea number 3.  Although I had been hoping that you would post these ideas to the class mailing list rather than here :-)
Comment by Derek Wyss on February 21, 2011 at 6:17pm

Derek Wyss's Mobile App Ideas:

1.  Stopwatch.  Maybe this is unoriginal and already available on most platforms.  My stopwatch would have an area where a clock counts up showing minutes, seconds, and hundredths of seconds.  It would have a start/stop button, reset button and a lap button.  Each time you hit lap, the current time would appear underneath the clock, or a previous lap time.  What I would like to do that is different is make the font for the numbers really big so I can run and look at the timer without slowing down.  Also, for the lap times, I would alternate the colors so I can pick out the rows more easily so I can run and look at those too.  You may say its not a good idea to run and look at a display at the same time, but by making the changes above, I would spend less time looking at my display.


2.  It is my limited understanding that phone companies have to keep records of text messages sent back and forth between people.  In order to thwart our big brother Uncle Sam, I would like to have an encrypted chat program, where people can use public and private keys to encrypt messages sent to each other.  If the NSA or FBI, or MI5 want to access your messages, they would at least have to spend the time to decrypt your communications.  If enough people used the encryption, those 1984ish government agencies would have to work a lot harder, and that would make Derek happy!


3.  It would be nice if HPU had an application where we could complain about the school as soon as we have the complaint.  For example, I could initiate a new complaint on my application, perhaps categorize it, then write a brief description of what i think is wrong, then send it off to the school.  For example, if I think the computer labs have slow computers, I could access my application, categorize my complaint under technology, then say "the computers in the computer lab are slow."  Or, maybe "the overhead projector in FC 107 does not display colors properly".  The school could read our complaints, and hopefully fix whatever is wrong.  If they get enough complaints about a particular thing, maybe they could prioritize that thing for fixing.

Comment by Sam Joseph on February 15, 2011 at 1:06am
Rico, you are too kind :-) Let's see if you are still saying the same by the end of the course :-)
Comment by Rico Moreno on January 25, 2011 at 11:23pm
Had the first class today and loaded the iOS SDK ... Dr. Sam is an enthusiastic and experienced mentor who will make the course interesting and fun, while giving us all the challenges that this Mobile Industry has in store for the new paradigm of applications.
Comment by Sam Joseph on December 14, 2010 at 9:13pm

Hi  Ryan,


Right now I have the syllabus from the course as I taught it this Spring, and I haven't yet updated it for the new material we'll have on iPhone 4, iPad, Android App Inventor etc.  We are just in finals week, so I will be working on the new syllabus next week.  In the meantime here is the provisional schedule that I posted at the beginning of this year for the Spring 2010 course.  It did get changed during the course itself, so I need to update.  Will post an updated version next week:


Week 1 (Jan 25th) Intro to Mac OS X and Cocoa Touch, Objective-C, Dev Tools
(Jan 27th) Intro to Android, High level architecture
Week 2 (Feb 1st) iPhone: Using Objective-C, Foundation framework
(Feb 3rd) Android: Development environment (Eclipse & ADT )
Week 3 (Feb 8th) iPhone: Custom classes, Memory Management, ObjC Properties
(Feb 10th) Android: Activity stack, Life cycle
Week 4 (Feb 15th) Holiday: President’s day
(Feb 17th) iPhone: Interface Builder, Controls, Target-Action
Week 5 (Feb 22nd) Android: UI, XML Layouts
(Feb 24th) iPhone: Views and Drawing, Animations
Week 6 (Mar 1st) Android: UI, Selection widgets
(Mar 3rd) iPhone: View Controllers Basics
Week 7 (Mar 8th) Android: UI, Date/time widgets
(Mar 10th) iPhone: Views and Drawing, Animations
Week 8 (Mar 15th) Android: UI, Selection widgets
(Mar 17th) iPhone: Navigation Controllers
Week 9 (Mar 22nd) Spring Break
(Mar 24th) Spring Break
Week 10 (Mar 29th) Android: UI, Hard & soft keyboard
(Mar 31st) iPhone: Table Views
Week 11 (Apr 5th) Android: UI, Menus
(Apr 7th) iPhone: Dealing with Data: User Defaults, SQLite, Web Services
Week 12 (Apr 12th) Android: UI, Fonts
(Apr 14th) iPhone: Threading, Caching and Memory
Week 13 (Apr 19th) Android: UI, WebKit
(Apr 21st) iPhone: Text Input, Responder Chain, Presenting Content Modally
Week 14 (Apr 26th) Android: UI, Dialog boxes
(Apr 28th) iPhone: Address Book
Week 15 (May 3rd) Android: Intents, Inter-communication processes
(May 5th) iPhone: Searching, Notifications
Week 16 (May 10th) Project Presentations
(May 12th) Project Presentations


HTH, would be great to have you on the course


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