Time: April 2, 2009 from 9am to 2pm
Location: Hawaii State Capitol
Street: 415 South Beretania Street
City/Town: Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813
Website or Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?f…
Phone: 808 536-4670
Event Type: expo
Organized By: Hawaii Science & Technology Council
Latest Activity: Apr 1, 2009
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Science & Tech Day at the State Capitol on April 2, 2009 presents an exciting opportunity for Hawaii's technology industry to connect with lawmakers. Showcasing Hawaii's science and technology companies, it gives lawmakers a chance to see and understand the diversity and growth of our local science and tech industry. By bringing industry to the Capitol - lawmakers, their staff and the public have a hands-on opportunity to talk directly with tech companies, learn about their products and services and realize the increasing importance and potential of our industry.
REGISTER ONLINE or to robyn@hiscitech.org or 536-4670
9:00am - 10:00am Exhibitor Registration/Set-up - 4th Floor, State Capitol
10:00am - 2:00pm Tradeshow - 4th Floor (lunch beginning at 11:00)
2:00 pm Exhibitor Breakdown
*Subject to change
Exhibitor Info
Exhibitors are expected to provide tabletop display materials that involve a minimum of setup and breakdown time. Shared 8-foot tables with covers will be provided, but power at the State Capitol Building is EXTREMELY LIMITED. Please request power only if critical to demonstrate your product or services. Availability of full or half tables will depend on the total number of exhibitors. Parking and other information will be emailed prior to the event.
Registration Fees
4ft table - $150 (half of a table, shared with another company)
8ft table - $300 (full table)
Hawaii Science & Technology Council 733 Bishop Street, Suite 2950 • Honolulu, HI 96813 Phone: 808.536.4670 Fax: 808.536.4680 www.hiscitech.org
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