
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Rico Moreno
  • Male
  • Honolulu, HI
  • United States
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Rico Moreno's Friends

  • Darin Padula
  • Ryan Hiroaki Tsukamoto
  • k.d.h.
  • Michael Gaio
  • Adrienne Palmer
  • Gus Higuera
  • Frank Alejandro
  • Brian
  • Peter
  • Mark McMahon
  • Beau Mueller
  • Monir
  • Sam Joseph
  • Mika Leuck
  • Daniel Leuck

Rico Moreno's Groups


Rico Moreno's Page

Profile Information

Analyst, Consultant, Database Administrator, Database Developer, IT Technical Support/Help Desk, Project Manager, Software Developer, Web Developer
Mo->Net Services
Areas of Interest (Robotics, Software Architecture, Green Energy, Web 2.0, etc.):
Web 2.0, Social Networking and Ruby applications
Software Language Proficiencies / Interests:
ASP, HTML, Java, Javascript, JSP, Perl, Ruby, SQL, Visual Basic
About Me:
Chess, Music and much more!!

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At 2:57pm on December 17, 2010, Sam Joseph said…

Hi Rico,


You were asking about the mobile programming class.  Think we've answered most of your questions in the mobile developers group, but just in case,  the cost is $990 plus one off $220 registration fee for non HPU students.  The course is entirely online using Skype screen share and UStream to provide lectures and one to one help; and will run for approximately 16 weeks.  By the end of the class you should have apps for sale in eitjer the android marketplace or the iphone app store, assuming you are willing to pay the $99 fee for Apple's appstore or the $25 fee for the Android Marketplace :-)


Hope that helps.



At 3:59pm on October 20, 2009, Michael Gaio said…
Hey Rico. Yes, if you happen to know of any businesses (especially larger companies) needing to produce an event (holiday event, etc), let me know, and direct them to this event questionnaire form page here: . And yes, let's brainstorm and make it a win-win. Hope to see you at ING soon.
At 10:50pm on October 19, 2009, Michael Gaio said…
Hey Rico! Yes, I just discovered TechHui tonight, and saw you and Geek Week right away on the home page. I've already put some of the events in my calendar. ING is just down the block from where I live, so I'll see you there!
At 3:59pm on July 21, 2009, Peter said…
Hello Rico, It was very nice speaking to you today. I'm sorry if at first I didn't have a good connection. I've only been on this new job two weeks and have been very busy. Good luck with the job search and feel free to contact me. If I can be of any help, possibly we could speak on the phone outside of work hours.
808 990 5922
At 10:34am on March 17, 2009, Mika Leuck said…
E komo mai Rico! We should require a shaka sign from all new members :-)

The FAQ is a good place to learn about the site. You may want to join some of the interest groups such as Java Developers, Project Managers and Ruby Developers.

We hope you find TechHui useful and invite others. Happy coding!


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