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Brooke Fujita's Comments

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At 5:01pm on June 24, 2009, Daniel Leuck said…
ROFL. I've had plenty of pin drop moments. I usually get embarrassed and then angry, which results in random insults hurled at the audience.
At 9:13am on June 24, 2009, Daniel Leuck said…
Hi Brooke. Did your View Search Hokkaido presentation in Kyoto go well? How are things on the northern isle?
At 3:22am on May 27, 2009, Daniel Leuck said…
Mahalo! Kyoto is one of my favorite cities. Are you there for work or vacation?
At 3:52pm on March 19, 2009, Mike Curtis said…
Nope...caught that one slow trolling plugs in mid-December. Let me know if you need a guide...I've been fishing with the same guy (Todd Hannah) for 20+ years and he knows that river better than anyone I've ever met. I've fished Salmon and Steelhead with him and had great luck with both. In fact, now that I think about it, he also put us onto some huge (6 foot plus!) Sturgeon one year when the river was blown out by a storm.
At 5:36am on March 19, 2009, Mike Curtis said…
Hi Brooke - yes, it is a Steelhead...caught on the Umpqua River in central Oregon.
At 1:21pm on November 14, 2008, Jonah Ungacta said…
Hey Brooke! How's it going? Good to hear from you - ya its been a while!
At 5:37am on September 3, 2008, Daniel Leuck said…
Hey Brooke. We are in Tokyo until Saturday and then we are off to visit family in Izumo. Its too bad we will miss each other.
At 4:31am on July 21, 2008, Stephen McMahon said…
Ahh...Pidgin is no problem. My in-laws are all Filipino and most of them speak Ilokano unless they are speaking directly to me. I understand some of it but I still have a long way to go.
At 7:25am on July 19, 2008, Stephen McMahon said…
I just noticed your comment about shipping my vehicle. We actually arrived here on Tuesday evening of this week to a bunch of family members wielding tuberose leis. I've been here many times but that was the first time I've been received like that -- it was very nice :). Now I'm certainly going to have to be careful not to get fat as my in-laws are continuously amazed that I like their food so they are always trying to test me out. Maybe after I've been here long enough I'll even figure out what they are saying!
At 7:59pm on July 10, 2008, JW Guillaume said…
I was stoked to know somebody can relate to my Vic-20. I think it changed my life! I still have it. I hope to someday use it as a prop in my personal remembrance of the early days of technology. In the day I lusted at Heathkit; they had a computer (build it yourself) that ran C/PM, but I couldn't afford it.
At 2:49pm on July 10, 2008, Brooke Fujita said…
Yo there, Dan:

Ah, I was hoping to take the kids back to see Grandma and Grandpa Fujita sometime later this year, but the prices of travel from Japan this year is just skyrocketing... oy!

Maybe if you and Russ come to Tokyo..? Well, I think I could manage to get down to Tokyo to catch up with you guys...

But let's keep an unsigned, undated rain check on that sake. I can bring some of the good stuff from Hokkaido!
At 12:40pm on July 10, 2008, Daniel Leuck said…
Hey Brooke, Russel and I were just chatting and your name came up. When are you going to visit and join us for some sake?
At 9:21pm on February 9, 2008, Brooke Fujita said…
The Sapporo Snow Festival is pretty nice. I took my family on the eve of the opening, to skate outdoors in front of the Sapporo TV Tower. We saw lots of cool ice sculptures, even one from the Hawaii team!
At 8:11pm on February 9, 2008, Sub Callnop said…
How's the ice festival going? Wish I could be there with you!
At 7:50pm on January 30, 2008, Brooke Fujita said…
Oh, mais ouis, lots of pure snow, just as Charles De Mar says. In my picture, I am actually standing on top of the little mountain that collected when all the snow on the roof came down in back.
At 3:36pm on January 30, 2008, Russel Cheng ラッセル チェン said…
Looks cold in Sapporo, like you have shovel snow.
At 9:35pm on January 27, 2008, Cameron Souza said…
> When I was in high school in Honolulu,
> I would often cut class and hang out in
> the frozen food section in Safeway.

ROTFL :-) I hear Hokkaido is beautiful. I suppose the grass is always greener on the other side of the mountain.
At 9:19pm on January 26, 2008, Cameron Souza said…
Wow - you look cold! I bet you didn't wear that often in Hawaii :-)
At 6:30pm on January 14, 2008, Daniel Leuck said…
Welcome Brooke! I enjoyed reading your blog, and I agree with your assertion that developers should avoid religious devotion to a single language or platform. Its best to know at least a few languages on the systems/statically typed side and a few scripty languages.


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