New version submitted to the App Store and have been in review for many days now. That means that it's coming soon!
Version 1.1 fixes the bug that would not allow NanoMechs run on iDevices earlier than 3.0!
Version 1.2 is about ready to be submitted. It includes online leader boards (thanks to AGON) and it also includes a flakcannon style of weapon!
Added by Arin Cranley on August 11, 2009 at 2:43pm —
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NanoMechs is a high speed, multiplayer shooter for the iPhone. NanoMechs features awesome real-time multiplayer action over WI-FI. Gameplay can be compared to popular 1st person shooters, except in 2D with gorgeous graphics!!
Go check it out (and buy it)! If you happen to buy it ($.99) please give it a decent rating, the ratings are huge when it comes to the success of the…
Added by Arin Cranley on August 5, 2009 at 4:30am —
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