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Comment by Joel M. Leo on January 23, 2010 at 12:46pm
@ Mark Gilbert's comment regarding MS licensing and hyper-v: Windows Server 2008 licensing allows 1 instance of the Standard os running in hyper-v on a host machine. That host machine, as long as its doing nothing other than running hyper-v and related services (failover clustering for instance) can be running under the same license. MS calls this the 1+1 license for Standard.
Under Enterprise, MS allows for up to 4 instances in hyper-v plus the os running the hyper-v services. This they term the 1+4 license.
You can have a bunch of vms running in hyper-v simultaneously, as long as you have the appropriate number of licenses. For example, you could have 5 instances of 2008 Standard running in hyper-v with 5 copies of the Standard license: 5 for each of the virtual instances - the license for the physical machine is not necessary as long as its doing nothing other than providing virtualization related services.
The 90 days you refer to is only for moving an existing license from one machine to another. If the hardware permanently dies then licenses can be moved sooner than that.
Hope this helps clarify some of the licensing issues =)
Comment by Attila Seress on October 15, 2009 at 12:29pm
You could probably virtualiza another windows machine in there...
Comment by omgparticle on October 15, 2009 at 9:46am
I used Xen on CentOS for a bit and it was pretty straight forward. Currently I am trying out kvm (I liked the ease of what I read on it's live migration to other servers that run different processors-(*but have not tried that yet), also liked it being included in kernel, and since redhat took it over I figured I should look into it- it's a bit new/fresh and mainly command line tools that I've seen so far (also shares virt-manager). Also have an aix side of the house so I hope to experiment with the powervm when I can.
Downloaded that Hyper V yesterday but it gave an error/failed saying something about the vbscript.dll file after the installation seemed done and it was trying to kick off the config program. I also once downloaded the vmware hypervisor but had issues with it to after installation. Maybe I'll get around to trying those both again one day when I have the time and another server.
Comment by Mark Gilbert on October 14, 2009 at 10:51pm
Brian. I couldn't agree more!
Comment by Mark Gilbert on October 14, 2009 at 7:47pm
Oracle VM, Sun VM, Citrix Xen and even Hyper V to a point are all based on the Xen open source Hyper Visor. Hence my contention that the hyper visor will become a commodity. The true battle ground are the features. Most corporate customers will want software support, true H/A (fault tolerance), high end management features, and DR/COOP capabilities. If you just running the hyper visor on your home pc, open source Xen is great.
Comment by Attila Seress on October 14, 2009 at 2:29pm
Thanks Mark for your dedication!
Honestly, I'm more of a Microsoft guy myself but I've become more excited by linux since they've matured the gui and improved the lamp architecture (mostly mysql). Hyper V (virtualization) is the last frontier MS hasn't really dominated so I'm just wondering where this is all going...
Comment by Mark Gilbert on October 14, 2009 at 2:20pm
I will punt that question to my Microsoft Guru Kelly. I just invited him to join the Hui and I will have him bring his much more in depth knowledge to this thread and give you an answer.
Comment by Attila Seress on October 14, 2009 at 1:24pm
Well, having dealt with terminal server in the past, nt 3.51 and 4.0 terminal server edition was fine until they brought out the terminal server licensing server - not sure if it was for server 2000 but it was certainly for 2003 server. It's like they got you hooked while they figured out their bugs and then did heavy licensing enforcement one the product matured.
Does hyper v support applying patches to a single image of the OS that multiple thin clients can connect to (like citrix)?
From what I remember, hyper v only supported suse enterprise linux. Would you happen to know if it's been expanded to any other distro?
Comment by Mark Gilbert on October 14, 2009 at 12:22pm
I wish there was an easy answer to that. Hyper V comes free on all MS server licenses. That being said, if you want to be in "technical compliance" with the terms and conditions of the MS server license, you are only allowed to move one VM or physical machine every 90 days. You have to have the Data Center license in order run multiple vm's on one single machine. The versions are identical, it is just about licensing. The same is true of VMware btw. Most people are running VMware on standard MS server licenses. That "technically" is illegal and in violation of the MS server license agreement. Once again, you need Data Center to "legally" run windows on vmware. Now, is MS going to enforce that certain clause? Your guess is as good as mine.
Comment by Attila Seress on October 14, 2009 at 11:06am
The citrix licensing makes it a bit cost prohibitive for the small to medium sized business ( <20 workstations). I don't know much about hyper v pricing. What's it like?
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