
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community



Community-operated physical places, where people can meet and work on their projects.

Location: Planet Hawaii
Members: 22
Latest Activity: Dec 15, 2013

Discussion Forum

Who wants to start a hackerspace? 2 Replies wants to start a hackerspace? Where would you like to see it? Join up, speak out.Continue

Started by Michael Bishop. Last reply by Rechung Fujihira Mar 3, 2011.

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Comment by Dan Starr on January 15, 2011 at 1:40pm
Couldn't a hackerspace which is friendly towards software projects as well, get partial funding from small businesses who need some part-time projects done?  Maybe the business could ask: "Dedicate a fraction of your time working on this, and we'll help pay for your daily workspace."  Of course, you'd need a mechanism to vet out people who couldn't make any meaningful contribution.
Comment by Jerry Isdale on January 10, 2011 at 7:53am

That is GREAT news Paul.  I am on Maui and so can only offer advise but hope to occasionally visit.  The first requirement for a space is for someone(s) to step up and say 'I will start forming one.'  After that, you should try to get some face time meetings - dinner, coffee/etc.  Rent is a killer for these projects. I have not found a home here after months of searching, but have a line on some sub-$1/sqft space now that might work.  Another problem is gaining a critical mass. Your island at least has a higher population and some major pop density areas.


CrashSpace in LA was started a bit over a year ago with a coffee house meeting of maybe 15 people. They moved very quickly and got a place rented within 3mo - with a meeting about every 2wks in mean time.  Aside from about 1200sqft, they had nothing else. Tables, benches and chairs appeared followed by lots of donated electronics, etc. It was a bustling community that has taken that space to the success it is today - although they still barely sqweak by financially.


Geting the community meeting regularly is very important. Try and get a first meet in next couple weeks.  Get to know the people who have expressed interest. Talk up the idea with people you (and they) meet.  At the meetings, talk about projects (past present and future).  Find out where people's interests lie. 


MauiMakers has collected what I hope is a critical mass of techies, artists and others. Like most successful spaces, there is a very broad range of interests. It isnt just about programming or even circuit bending.  Getting artists and 'Burning Man' types can be fun and a big boost to creativity.  We are finding agriculture/aquaponics is a big common interest for many people, as is metal working.


There are some govt projects in the works to support maker spaces.  UHManoa has funded several high schools to setup a 'makery':


These are projects to watch and help as we can.  Several of our members are also working as Mentors for the FIRST robotics competition and have served as judges for related events in the past.


I look forward to hearing more about your space and visiting in the future.

Comment by Gorm Lai on December 7, 2010 at 12:15am
Anything on Oahu?
Comment by Jerry Isdale on September 5, 2010 at 9:57am
The Maui Hacker/Makerspace has a web site at with most communication happening on the google group:
Comment by Jerry Isdale on August 9, 2010 at 2:09pm
I just moved to maui with the express design to start a space. I helped get going over in Los Angeles this past spring. I have already started blogging on the site and meeting up with the Maui Techies group here on Tech Hui. lists a space listed in Honolulu called MainGuru ( but I have yet to get any confirmation out of that site.

I have an Epilog Helix 24 40w laser cutter, Makerbot Cupcake 3d printer, Silhouette paper/vinyl cutter, and a whole lotta arduino and related electronics.

Members (22)



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