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Crypto & Security

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Latest Activity: May 31, 2018

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Discussion Forum

Airforce: Crypto: FAIL

Started by Daniel Leuck Dec 17, 2009.

Need Security Consultant for short project

Started by Ken Berkun Sep 21, 2009. 100 Most Influential People of 2009 Hack 1 Reply

Started by Brooke Fujita. Last reply by Joe Segal Apr 20, 2009.

Schneier on Security

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Comment by Jericho J Guzman on May 31, 2018 at 7:24am

Hello!  I just recently started a new blockchain technology meetup:

Comment by Jason Axelson on November 19, 2011 at 1:27pm

Stanford has a new online open-to-the-public crypto class that looks really interesting!

Comment by Roger Garrett on November 3, 2010 at 12:47pm
Never mind. Further research reveals that what I just re-invented is essentially the Shamir Three-Pass Protocol originally developed in 1980.
Comment by Roger Garrett on November 2, 2010 at 2:13pm
I was looking into the classic XOR method of encrypting data for transfer and it occurred to me that there is actually a way to use that method but without the need to share the key between the sender and recipient. I wrote up a little program to verify the idea, and it does indeed work. Now, maybe this is already a tried and true approach, but I haven't come across anything about it on the Internet.

So, is there any member of the Crypto & Security group who would be willing to take a look at my approach and let me know whether or not it seems viable?
Comment by Brooke Fujita on March 2, 2009 at 6:08pm
Interesting article on a new Google project: Google Native Client. Secure desktop apps but all over the web??
Comment by Brooke Fujita on February 13, 2009 at 8:04pm

Comment by Brooke Fujita on November 14, 2008 at 5:17pm
xkcd on Crypto

Comment by Daniel Leuck on September 18, 2008 at 10:43am
Brooke: Regarding writing the enigma machine in GWT, I wonder: are script tags allowed?
You can call in and out of Javascript from GWT using JSNI. We do this quite a bit on our current project.
Comment by Brooke Fujita on September 12, 2008 at 4:42am
Yo there, Dan:

Yeah, I do like the GWT, I would love to try out the 1.5 release. Regarding writing the enigma machine in GWT, I wonder: are <script> tags allowed? I would need to use that to load the entry point...
Comment by Daniel Leuck on September 9, 2008 at 12:30am
Hey Brooke - I love that the description of the group is encoded :-) I see from your ROT13 widget you are getting into Laszlo. Thats great!

Re: Writing the enigma machine's cipher in Javascript.

I just finished writing a wiki sytax -> html converter that runs on the client for ooi. I wrote it in Java and converted it to Javascript using GWT's compiler. You are limited to classes available in the JRE emulation environment, but it beats writing complex logic in Javascript (at least for me), and the compiler emits highly optimized code. You might want to try this approach.

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