
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community



A group to discuss the creation of a "coworking space," a cafe-like community and collaboration space for developers, creators, and independents.

Location: Honolulu, Hawaii
Members: 68
Latest Activity: Sep 3, 2012

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Discussion Forum

Coworking on May 5th at Ward Center! 4 Replies

Started by Sid. Last reply by Truman Leung May 5, 2009.

What would your coworking space be like? 33 Replies

Started by Ryan. Last reply by Konstantin A Lukin Feb 21, 2009.


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Comment by Mary St. John on February 8, 2010 at 7:04am
Hi Truman,

That does look nice and it's right around the corner from the Convention Center too. Have you been here to the Innovation Center in the First Hawaiian Center (Bishop & King)? Best-kept secret downtown: HTDV companies can use the meeting areas (including the 20-foot wide high-def screen), high-def video teleconferencing, and even video editing services for FREE, since the center is supported by HTDV.

The Center is open to other folks too for negotiable fees. I’d be happy to arrange a tour, send me email: or call: 441-2661

Comment by Truman Leung on February 8, 2010 at 1:10am
HYBRIDOFFICE is a new coworking space in Honolulu. At $15/hour it's a nice high end place to work.
Comment by Sid on May 11, 2009 at 12:45pm
Hi guys,

Please check out the TechHui events calendar - we'll be meeting in Mililani on May 13th (Wednesday) and then at Ward Center May 14th (Thursday) for coworking this week

If those locations and times don't work for you, I'm open to other ideas too! I'll probably dump meetup soon. I was hoping to try and get people from both communities (meetup and techhui) but it appears that meetup doesn't have anyone new coming.

I shouldn't be too surprised by that though, as everyone I know who's involved in Tech is here on Tech Hui!
Comment by Kurt Sussman on September 18, 2008 at 6:34am
Contact Eva or David at; they're running a coworking space that is large and featureful, and if they have time they'll almost certainly give you some accurate numbers to use for projections, including marketing costs. I've been to a couple of events there, and will certainly attend more.
Comment by Truman Leung on September 16, 2008 at 7:56am
Interesting discusion on "incubator vs. coworking" going on on the coworking Google Group is a worthwhile read.
Comment by Tim Ames on September 1, 2008 at 11:13pm
Here is a link that shows a perfect starter space for a coworking site: Showroom. Already laid out beautifully, and with 2700+ sqft of space, payment works out at about 1.87 dollars/mo/sqft. Furnishing and tech costs would surpass that for the first year or so, but I'd definitely be willing to go in hui (financial and labor) with some folks to get it up and running. The only caveat is that, no matter how financially spread-loaded, new blood and customers would need to be brought in constantly. Mass mailing and coupons wouldn't work, in this case, as an effective form of advertisement, and that's pretty much where I get hung up on the business model in this situation. How do you recruit new members to take the load off the plank owners, and what is the reasonable turnaround time?
Comment by Truman Leung on August 29, 2008 at 11:45am
Here is an interesting interview with Jerome Chang, founder of Blankspaces, a for-profit coworking space designed and run by an architect. Being that it was designed by an architect, it looks like a very nice and professional place to work. It would also be a great place to run an unconference. Anyone want to build one in Honolulu?

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