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Quick question: I'm a Graphic Designer -Does anyone know how I can produce an email whereby the body message has formatted text, images and graphics?

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Hi Michael,

Are you talking about a html email/newsletter?

Since you tagged 'dreamweaver', I'm assuming you use dreamweaver. You could mock up the html in dreamweaver (or whatever editor of your choice) and send it as a html email. You can look at this tutorial. If you are sending it out to a large number of users, I recommend you test it in various mail apps like gmail, hotmail, yahoo mail and others.

If you aren't familiar with html, you could always go with mailchimp that makes this stuff super easy.
Thanx Scott,
Yes its about html.
Yes I use Dreamweaver (don't tell the code geeks).
I will check out the links in depth when I get time. I took a quick look and it looks promising. I'll probably find something here that is good for what I want and I'll let you know.
I want to thank you now.
Actually I did a test:
1) mock up a html page in Dreamweaver 2) copy code to my Hotmail message and click on HTML. 3) send
Results: The text didn't hold its formatting and the images came up a "?" boxes.
I once copied a source code from someone eles email html to my Hotmail and did the same thing. Everything had carried over perfectly, so I thought my Dreamweaver method might work too but it didn't. I'm missing a basic principle in my thinking.
I haven't tried sending html emails from hotmail but are you sure that hotmail allows you to input html? It might be rich text w/ their wysiwyg editor and they don't allow you actually input raw html. Or the ??? could be related to encoding issues.

Usually you send newsletters from some kind of newsletter program but if you are just planning to send it to a few recipients, try outlook and thunderbird (free). These programs should allow you to input html so you can send it from there.


Michael Daly said:
Thanx Scott,
Yes its about html. Yes I use Dreamweaver (don't tell the code geeks). I will check out the links in depth when I get time. I took a quick look and it looks promising. I'll probably find something here that is good for what I want and I'll let you know. I want to thank you now.
Actually I did a test:
1) mock up a html page in Dreamweaver 2) copy code to my Hotmail message and click on HTML. 3) send
Results: The text didn't hold its formatting and the images came up a "?" boxes.
I once copied a source code from someone eles email html to my Hotmail and did the same thing. Everything had carried over perfectly, so I thought my Dreamweaver method might work too but it didn't. I'm missing a basic principle in my thinking.
Good point Brian,

It didn't occur to me that certain disabled people would not be able to understand a html email.

I didn't get what you said:

mail clients are even more of a wild west than web browsers when it comes to rendering "HTML"

If you think making cross platform/browser web pages is difficult, just wait until you try cross email client html emails.

In general one must keep the html in emails super simple. I've found different email clients render html in different ways, some stripping out certain styles (e.g. outlook), and some (e.g. squirrelmail) stripping out all the html altogether. Remember that an email can embed an html version as well as a text version, and this is a good option if you have the time and technical skills.

As for images, there are two ways to include images in an html email: (1) as remote images, these almost never get displayed by default, the user has to click something to see them. (for good reason, they can be used to determine if a user has viewed the email, which may be a privacy/security issue) (2) embedded within the email itself. Again, different email clients handle these differently, some displaying the images as attachments. If you can do what you need to do with a bit of styling, that would usually be more consistent across email clients.

So far, my personal tool of choice for crafting email in a php web application is swiftmailer, it does everything I need.

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