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What are three ways that the UH ICS program could improve?

If you can think of more than three things, then please limit your response to your top three!

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1. Coding can be really challenging if you don't get a good grasp of it, and there are limited resources around campus you could go to for help. Like the Learning Emporium, for example, only has tutors for 111 and 211.

2. Students have to take many unnecessary classes just to meet the graduation requirement like 2 years of a secondary language, and this pushes back the graduation date for some. 

3. Some ICS classes are only offered at night, which can push back students' sleep schedules.

Three ways that the UH ICS program could be improved are...

1. Having more professors to teach some of the more specific courses

2. Add more writing intensives into the ICS curriculum

3. Make higher end laptops more affordable for classes that need it or do not make it a requirement.

Three bad things about being an ICS student.

1. It might be a little bit stressful because the assignments are not easy.

2. Spending more time sitting in front of  computer which can hurt your spine or lower back.

3. Carrying a laptop to school everyday is kind of bothering because a well function computer science laptop won't be light.

Three bad things about being an ICS student
1. There are very limited resources and experiments for ICS students outside of class, because it seem like the ICS community is small and their events or activities mostly focus at a upper division courses or focuses.
2. The ICS classes schedule and number availability classes, it  limited ICS student to choose and plan their semester.
3. The material and professors teaching methods for every levels of ICS courses is very different, and ICS student have a hard time to grasp the courses.

1. Stress- As ICS students, we tend to work more than we should do. I think we should strive to make learning easier and not harder. Putting lectures online is a good step in the right direction because we are allowed more time to ask questions when we come to class. We should continue to innovate new ideas like these so we spend less time learning andmore time applying.

2. Time- As an ICS student, there were times I would have to attend lab sessions that end at 8:30 at night while juggling my normal classes in the morning. That is a really big hindrance to me because I had trouble sleeping and I had trouble learning and working. We should have more labs available to use so we can accomodate better schedules. Also we need more staff to to teach courses so we aren't forced to go to a three hour lecture 6:00pm at night.

3. Communication- I wish more people were like Philip Johnson and used slack. This makes it so much easier to communicate between students and teachers and it actually makes the learning environment feel quite comfortable and nice. A problem I have is that things seem to be vague and professors sometimes don't ever reply to me or they don't explain it well enough. Slack helps relieve this problem

Three ways that the UH ICS program could improve?

Having to take an ICS course for the first time, this subject may be a little difficult to elaborate. However, upon reading other comments and conversations, i'd like to give out some opinions as well.

1) Required credits such as Writing intensives should be implemented into more of these courses, or increase the capacity of the class, that way students don't have to get out of their way to take more classes.

2) ICS students should be more involved in semester integrated projects. This would allow us to work on more in depth projects that may relate to real world situations. 

3)  Apparently some of these ICS courses are only offered later in the day. This may go against many of our work flow, and definitely disturb our internal rhythm. 

Three bad things about being an ICS student:

1. Some classes are only available at night, so one bad thing about being an ICS student is having to take night classes.

2. The department doesn't provide as many resources as one would like, so another bad thing about being an ICS student is the need to do some self-studying.

3. ICS department also does not provide much classes that focus on WI, O, and such, which makes class scheduling another bad thing about being an ICS student.

Three bad things about being an ICS student 

1) Having a coding class at your own pace. fast students and zoom ahead, slow students can take a little longer. 

2) Having infinite retakes for exams, but requiring students to get above a 90 or 100 if we want to be more strict. 

3) Having more outlets distributed throughout the classrooms so you don't have to worry about battery life. 

1. Increase the options of class sections or earlier class times. Some classes are only held at night and can be inconvenient for some students. For me, I was not used to taking classes that ended at 8pm and it's the only program I've heard of where most students had to go through it. 

2. Include more writing intensive credits to ICS classes. It will help minimize the amount of time spent on other classes to complete a graduation requirement and allows more focus on the ICS curriculum. 

3. Be informed early on about spec requirements on laptops (freshman year). Not all students walk into the upper divison classes with the specs required for those classes, especially with MacBooks starting at 8GB of RAM. If we are informed more ahead of time, then we can prepare and buy laptops that will last all four years. 

1. ICS does not have that many focus courses such as Oral Communication, Writing Intensive, etc. It makes it hard to meet the graduation requirements.

2. Class Times. There are a lot of really late classes and for someone who commutes, it messes with their schedule. 

1. I agree that it's a little expensive to obtain a developer-level laptop - a little farfetched, but if possible, would be great if there were loaner laptops that we could use.

2. (Sometimes feeling unprepared for an ICS course) I really liked that there was a pregame module for ICS 314, I would love it if there were optional modules to do over summer/winter break to prepare you for your next ICS course.

3. (Having to practice/learn programming languages on your own) Maybe having optional coding groups that focus on a particular language throughout the semester/break (something like PyHawaii).

1: Limited number of teachers.

2: Time sink.

3: Overly broad.



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